Hello Pienkvoet, Goodbye Mom-Guilt!
Joining a Mom- and Baby Class was the best thing I ever did.
Wait, let me rephrase: Joining Pienkvoet-Pret changed my life.
Scroll down to find out why every Mama should join Pienkvoet-Pret!

My Story
I’m 31, I just had a baby and I’m not interested in making new friends!”
That was my rather abrupt answer to my sweetheart Mother, innocently suggesting a Mom- and Baby Class.
In my defense: I just had a baby. I was breastfeeding 24 hours a day. One boob was definitely bigger than the other.
I felt overwhelmed and fat and maybe a little bit depressed?
Would you want to be friends with me?
But it turns out Moms actually do know best!
Pienkvoet-Pret was the go to Mom- and Baby Class in Nelspruit. I booked my first class, still not convinced, but the moment I stepped inside the studio, I was greeted by friendly faces and cute little babies.
Want to know the best part?
They all look just like me! (The moms, not the babies)!
Tired. Overwhelmed and desperately trying to control their little human.
Just like that I found my #momtribe – Thanks Mom!

Why we LOVE Pienkvoet-Pret

1. You will meet your tribe
You are surrounded by like minded people: Sleep deprived moms, whose also irritated with their husband’s superpower ability to sleep through the night (unlike baby)!

2. You will bond with baby
You get to spend quality time with your baby. No wi-fi, WhatsApp Groups or quickly catching up on Insta.
Just YOU and BABY.
Playing. Learning. Bonding.

3. Baby will learn through play
Lets be honest, no Mama would mind a little Einstein in da house. Pienkvoet-Pret is an educational program designed to develop and stimulate all baby’s senses.
There are 4 age groups, starting from 3 months up to 3 years to ensure baby reach age appropriate milestones.
It’s presented by a passionate and loving franchise owner (if you live in Nelspruit, it’s me) and just in case you were wondering, I’m a qualified teacher.
Each activity is planned and aimed at developing different skills – focusing on learning through play and also teaching Moms innovative ways to stimulate baby at home.

Some Of The Skills Covered

Fine- And Gross Motor Skills

Balancing beanbags, maneuvering small objects through holes and free play (inside and outside) develops fine- and gross motor skills, while having fun.

Sensory Development
Touch! Feel! Gross! This is all about discovering different textures.

Music and Movement
Yes, you too Mama! Get up and shake that booty – with baby of course!
Reading from a young age holds the key to kiddo’s academic future: Read my blog about The Importance of Reading here.

4. Free play is a must
Yes, it’s the perfect time for Mom to have a much needed coffee break, but it’s one of the best ways to stimulate development.

Benjamin Franklin said:
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
Through play your baby/toddler will develop new skills, explore their imagination as well as learn to relate to others.
5. You get free advice
Say goodbye to Dr. Google! You get trusted advice from Moms (And granny’s), who have been there and done that. From teething issues to tantrums. They’ve got you covered.
Pienkvoet-Pret offers Nanny- and First Aid Courses throughout the year.

6. You will make memories
By now you know I love photos. I’ve got 35 860 on my I Phone. That being said: After another funfilled class, you get the cutest photos of you and baby, learning and bonding.
*Photo credit goes to the franchise owner (That will be me), who captures the precious bonding and learning moments during class.
Memories that will last a lifetime.

7. You will make lifelong friends
After an hour long class you get to go outside (there’s a lovely enclosed play area) and drink… wait for it warm coffee!
The best part? Kiddo can play with her new friends, practicing her social skills, while you chat with your new friends. It’s a win-win!

What are you waiting for?
Send a WhatsApp to Helene – 0825098307
Email – nelspruit@pienkvoetpret.co.za
Follow Pienkvoet-Pret Nelspruit on Insta and send me a DM!
Ps: English Mama’s are welcome!
For more info or to find a class near you head over to their website.

A Child Is Going To Remember Who Was There, Not What You Spent On Them.
Kids Outgrow A Toy And Outfits
But They Never Outgrow Time And Love.

Helene, Minki & Josh