If you think traveling with a baby is hard, try traveling with a toddler. I promise you, this is not for the faint hearted. But although it seems undoable, it’s actually quite doable.


My Top 6 Tips for Traveling with a Toddler


1. Do your research

Hit google and research. The weather conditions, is it a malaria area, accommodation… You are going to thank me later.

Avoid this scenario:

Vacation (NOUN)

Before kids: A getaway to relax and recharge.

After kids: A trip where you pack a ton of stuff, struggle to deal with an overtired child and return home more exhausted than when you left.

Decide which type of holiday you want. If you plan and pick the right place, you might have some time for yourself.

In my experience a beach holiday is the perfect destination. The water and sand provide endless play opportunities. You can still keep an eye on kiddo and get some much needed sun on those white legs.

2. Take it slow

You might be use to packing at the last minute, jumping into the car and grabbing a burger to bite at your nearest Wimpy.

No, no no. Those days are gone. With a toddler time is your new best friend. Make sure you have enough time, so you don’t have to stress, about the time.

You might think dressing your toddler is going to take 5 minutes but on a bad day (which is pretty much every day with a two year old), it can take up to 25 minutes.

Pack beforehand (to save time), get up early and plan your trip to avoid rushing.

3. Don’t over pack

Unless you are going camping at Bitterpan, there will be shops nearby.

My checklist:

  • More clothes.
  • Less shoes.
  • Just enough diapers.

4. Plan

Have I said that already? Well, write that down. Plan your trip beforehand, during and after.

Plan every little detail: Plan to travel during kiddo’s naptime. Plan for snacks. Plan for explosive poop diapers.

Plan for the unplanned: That’s the only way you will maybe get to relax a little bit.

5. Keep calm

If your toddler decides to throw a public tantrum in Wimpy, take a deep breath (Read my Top Tips to Temper a Tantrum) and keep calm.

Yes, she may be screaming herself, you and the Wimpy customers into another dimension, but you are on your way to a destination where maybe, just maybe you can relax.

Or not. 🙂 Go on now hit the road, just make sure to plan, pack and most importantly enjoy!

And remember you will be okay…

Stay Stylish
Helene (& Minki)

Minki is wearing graphic swimsuit from Cotton On Kids & heart shaped sunnies from Claire’s South Africa.

Pink boots from ShooShoos South Africa.

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