Do you want to hear something crazy?

PrettyBelle was announced Best Fashion Blog at the SA Blog Awards!

I’m pretty ecstatic and cannot help but reflect on where it all started and look towards the fashionable future.

Something old

4 years ago while breastfeeding, I started pouring or rather typing my heart out on my notepad. I was exhausted, overwhelmed and had no clue what I was doing. I was lost between countless breastfeeding sessions, diapers, wipes and the enormous responsibility of taking care of another human being.

One day I was sobbing (again) and asked my Mom:

When will I ever get to feel like ME again?

I cannot remember her answer, but somewhere between the tears and loads of coffee I realised that even though my whole life has change I still need to do something for me. So, I made a conscious decision to get up, get dressed and be the best-looking Mama out there. Why? Because I love fashion! Putting together outfits makes ME happy! It’s a creative outlet and I refuse to wear leggings and black tops for the rest of my life.

Yes, I have a mom-bod now, but I can still look and feel pretty (and so can you)!

Most days I would get up, take a shower, put on a bright lipstick and get dressed. And you know what? I would instantly feel better and have a more productive day.

Mirror selfies followed, matching outfits with little Miss Minki. I wrote about motherhood, parenting, products, clothes we love, and PrettyBelle The Blog grew… 

Celebrating our first 1000 followers!


Right now, we have 14 000+ followers on Facebook, almost 4000 on Instagram and an active blog!

Oops before I forget, if we inspire you to wear, buy or do something PLEASE TAG US and USE THE HASHTAG


We love seeing your pretty outfits and fab finds!

Something new

This year I want to focus on fashion even more so keep an eye out for:

Big news

I’m happy to announce that I will get back to Image Consulting. The official launch is planned for March, but you can have a peek at my services so long and make a booking to avoid disappointment.

Click here to FIND OUT MORE

Something borrowed

Finally, a huge thank you to YOU who are reading this right now. It’s thanks to YOU that I get to do what I love. Thank you for voting for PrettyBelle, we love you!

Keep on reading, sharing and commenting, we love getting to know you and I promise it will only get better!

A huge congratulations to all the winners at The SA Blog Awards. You guys inspire me!

*You can see the full list here.

Helene, Minki & Joshua

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