Strike A Pose & Win Big With The West Pack Toilet Paper Challenge
It has been a crappy year, butt (pun intended) it’s about to get a whole lot better!
Win your share of up to R100 000 in cash and prizes and have loads of fun with your kids or furry friends.
Minki explains the coronavirus and it’s gone viral
Minki explains the coronavirus and apparently Spur and pizza places are still considered safe zones.
Meet Natralogic: The Safe Choice For Pregnant Moms
Pregnant women worry - a lot. Take it from me. We worry about almost everything when it comes to our developing baby. I worry about that last cocktail I sipped before I knew I was pregnant... could it cause a birth defect? I worry about my anxiety and if stress can...
Fast Flu Facts And 3 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About The Flu
Last week I waited at the school gate and I saw Minki and a friend playing a game of catch. They were having a great time, but when Minki finally caught her friend in a big bear hug, the friend turned around and all I could see was snot! Gross I know, but...
New Must See Animation + 5 Tips For Your Toddler’s First Trip To The Movies
Minki’s first movie outing was a… DISASTER! She loved getting the popcorn and her slushie, but was freaking out when the lights went off in the cinema. A Simple fact I’ve totally overlooked… By the time the trailers were (finally) finished, her popcorn was also...
7 Ways To Transform Your Nursery Into A Toddler’s Room
I’m probably the only Mom whose 3 year old still has her cot and changing table in her room (nursery). Transforming Minki’s room has been on my to-do list for a year! And I just haven’t got round to it... But we are soon welcoming a new addition to the family so I...
5 Things That Will Happen When Your Kid Starts Kindergarten
1. You Will Have To Up Your Morning Game Trust me on this one! No more waking up peacefully, sipping on a cup of filter coffee, watching Morning Live and scrolling through Instagram. It’s. Chaotic. You would think that getting a little person to school on time is...
What it’s like to have prenatal depression: My Story
I’m a happy person. Let me rephrase that: I use to be a happy person. Let me just say that while I’m writing this I’m thinking of not posting it. Why? Because it’s embarrassing, it’s personal and I’m sure there’s a lot of people out there ready and willing to judge...